This part of my site is not ready for use yet and is still seeing heavy preliminary work. It uses https://github.com/wizardwatch/xtodoc to generate the documentation, and will soon see better formatting. Stay tuned!
This part of my site is not ready for use yet and is still seeing heavy preliminary work. It uses https://github.com/wizardwatch/xtodoc to generate the documentation, and will soon see better formatting. Stay tuned!
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# WizardWatch's fantastic NixOS config ## Text Editor I used to use Emacs but became frustrated at its performance and ability to integrate with external programs. I use Kakoune for a while and now use Neovim. ## Window Manager I prefer using wayland for its frame perfect drawing and my frustrations with x overall. I used sway for a very long time and was happy, but wanted to try a static tiling wm....